Cancer Prevention - How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer by Ronald Godlewski Traditional medical treatments for cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Many doctors use a combination of methods in an effort to increase the effectiveness and speed at which they attack the cancer. The treatment or combination of treatments is often dependent on the type, location, and severity of the cancer. While all of these therapies have been used with varying degrees of success - NONE OF THEM address the main problem with cancer - TOO MANY PEOPLE GET CANCER! What is the ultimate solution to cancer? What should YOU be focused on? How about not getting sick in the first place! If given a choice, would you rather take a few simple steps to avoid cancer or do you want to take your chances and fight it once your doctor tells you you've got it? Would you rather spend your retirement money on the latest creative treatments and expensive high-tech equipment ...
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