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Showing posts from 2009

Cancer Prevention - How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Cancer Prevention - How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer by Ronald Godlewski Traditional medical treatments for cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Many doctors use a combination of methods in an effort to increase the effectiveness and speed at which they attack the cancer. The treatment or combination of treatments is often dependent on the type, location, and severity of the cancer. While all of these therapies have been used with varying degrees of success - NONE OF THEM address the main problem with cancer - TOO MANY PEOPLE GET CANCER! What is the ultimate solution to cancer? What should YOU be focused on? How about not getting sick in the first place! If given a choice, would you rather take a few simple steps to avoid cancer or do you want to take your chances and fight it once your doctor tells you you've got it? Would you rather spend your retirement money on the latest creative treatments and expensive high-tech equipment ...

Androgen Deprivation Therapy For Prostate Cancer Treatment

Androgen Deprivation Therapy For Prostate Cancer Treatment by Bobbie McKee During the old days, practice of Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment is what scares many men. Losing a part of your genitalia, for a man to lose ones faculty for sex is too much for a cure that's percentage driven. The former practice, this Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment is Orchiectomy or the surgical castration -a term that hardly requires definition. The science for this is that testosterone stimulates prostate cancer growth. Testosterone is the male androgen hormone essential for a boy's development to manhood. It is responsible for many things characteristically man: baritone voice, deepening of chests, bulging of muscles, and growth of body hair among several things. And an enzyme that is secreted in the prostate gland converts this testosterone into a metabolite Dihydrotestosterone (abbreviated as DHT) which is a cancer stimulating cell. And becaus...

Lung Cancer Alternative Treatment : cancer Health insurance review

Lung Cancer Alternative Treatment by Bobbie McKee Well, all I can say is I hope you're not a smoker. This is one seriously nasty habit. Oh, you don't think so? Hey, it's time to have a reality check. The truth is that no one likes your smoking habit unless they too are a smoker. That's the rule of thumb and it's very reliable. What I don't understand is why folks still smoke even though they must understand how deadly it is. This makes no sense. People all over the world die from lung cancer every day. There's no two ways about it. The only question is; are you going to quit or simply deal with a cancer treatment down the road. Hey, I hear there is an alternative lung cancer treatment available these days. If you keep puffing on that cigarette, you just may need it. Have you ever heard of an alternative lung cancer treatment? These new-age alternatives are becoming quite popular these days. I think this is due to the fact that many individuals are losing the...