How To Get The Best Rates On Health Insurance In New Jersey by Alexis Jensen Almost 17% of all New Jersey residents do not have health insurance coverage and of those who do have coverage, fully 50% admit that their monthly premium payment is a severe financial burden. As more and more businesses drop their group health plans the situation can only get worse. Fortunately there are things that you can do right now to help lower the monthly cost of your health insurance. First, if you have children 18 or younger who cannot get health coverage you may be eligible for the low-cost state-sponsored New Jersey Family Care program. In addition to minor children some adults can also qualify for this health care coverage. Next, if you smoke you need to stop. Now. Today. Smokers (and people who use chew) pay considerably more for health insurance than do non-tobacco users. That's simply a fact of life. You cannot get the best rates on health insurance in New Jersey or anywhere else if you use...
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